UFI Approved Events

The UFI Approved Event labels are a global stamp of authority for high quality exhibitions. Accurately audited to UFI’s international standards, they provide exhibitors and visitors with a sound basis for business decisions.

UFI offers two quality labels for exhibitions, namely:

  • UFI Approved Event
  • UFI Approved International Event

Every year, 303 million visitors and 4.5 million exhibitors attend events across the globe. They can rely on the UFI Approved Event and UFI Approved International Event labels to choose the best possible exhibition experience, wherever they are in the world.

Anyone interested in applying for UFI membership must have at least one of their exhibitions audited as a UFI Approved Event or UFI Approved International Event in order to become a member.

Part of the process for obtaining and maintaining UFI quality certification involves carrying out regular audits of exhibition statistics (every other edition for exhibitions that take place once every two years or more often).

 Checklist UFI Approved Events and UFI Approved International Events

As of now, there are 905 exhibitions approved by UFI, organised by UFI members, in 66 countries and regions.

If you would like further information on all approved events worldwide, please click here.

For further information on how to become a member of UFI, or on how to have an exhibition accepted as a UFI Approved Event, please click here.

Auditing of Exhibition Data

UFI requires that all audits for UFI Approved Events and UFI Approved International Events are carried out in accordance with “UFI’s Auditing Rules for the statistics of UFI Approved Events and UFI Approved International Events”.

UFI’s Auditing Rules


To ensure the high quality and accuracy of the audits, only those undertaken by UFI accredited auditing bodies are accepted, using the UFI Standard Audit Certificate.

Audit Certificate


Certain auditors are members of UFI and are therefore already accredited by UFI. Member organisers can choose to use alternative auditors provided that they perform the audits according to UFI’s Auditing Rules. If this is the case, please have the auditor contact the UFI Headquarters who will be happy to provide the relevant support and information (any auditor who is not a member of UFI must be accredited by the UFI Headquarters before conducting the audit).

UFI Auditing Bodies


The duly completed audit certificate  must be sent to UFI Headquarters, within six months after the end of the event.

Please view UFI Approved Event questions for further information.