Media Releases

UFI announces theme for 91st UFI Global Congress in Cologne

Paris – 3 September 2024: UFI, The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, announces today the theme for its flagship event of the year. Hosted by Koelnmesse in Cologne, Germany, from 20-23 November 2024, this year’s Global Congress will centre around “Changes to Chances” – it will define and describe global changes underway and forthcoming as well as tackle the question of which opportunities they will provide for the sector.

“From geopolitics to new behavioural patterns, from climate to data regulations, the exhibition industry is facing a whirlwind of changes – impacting our business model, the value chain, and our customers’ needs and actions. To tackle these, we are turning this year’s UFI Global Congress into a gateway to understanding how these changes can be transformed into chances – into opportunities to innovate, grow, and thrive in a new, different landscape”, says Kai Hattendorf, UFI CEO.

Highlights of the 91st UFI Global Congress include an opening keynote, C-level speakers from within and outside the industry, and an ever-evolving blend of sessions ranging from short and crisp talks to audience-favourite exclusive sessions. These sessions include the “Global Exhibition Industry Board Meeting”, the “Strategy Power Hour”, the Next Generation Leadership session, and the focused session of the host market – this year, Germany. Announced speakers and the evolving programme are always up to date on the UFI Global Congress website.

The Path Forward

UFI believes that every challenge presents an opportunity. This year’s Congress in Cologne is not just about addressing the difficulties the exhibition industry faces but about empowering attendees to turn these into significant opportunities. Whether it’s embracing new technologies, adapting to changing customer behaviours or rethinking traditional models, this is the industry’s chance to shape its future.

UFI warmly invites the 50,000+ industry professionals from its member companies, along with colleagues from partner associations—SISO, ICCA, and AIPC—to its premier annual gathering. This is where industry leaders from around the world come together to build connections and share invaluable insights.

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UFI delegation completes successful three-day Delegation Visit of India

Paris/Delhi – 29 August 2024: UFI, The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, recently concluded a three-day Delegation Visit to Mumbai and New Delhi.

The delegation, led by Michael Duck (Immediate Past President, UFI), Kai Hattendorf (CEO, UFI), Sooraj Dhawan (President, IEIA), and Ravinder Sethi (Vice President, IEIA), and comprised of organiser and venue representatives from North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, visited five leading exhibition venues: Bombay Exhibition Centre and Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai as well as Bharat Mandapam (formerly Pragati Maidan), India Expo Centre Mart, and Yashobhoomi (IICC Dwarka) in New Delhi.

The objective of the tour was to provide UFI members with an opportunity to observe first-hand recent developments of India’s exhibition industry, particularly the new and increased venue capacity. The delegation was impressed by the quality of the new and refurbished venues, highlighting India’s growth potential. UFI emphasized that this expanded infrastructure is likely to unlock new growth opportunities in India, marking the country’s rise as an even more significant player in the global exhibition landscape.

The visit also underscored the robust partnership between UFI and the Indian exhibition sector, represented by IEIA, a long-time UFI member. In addition to the venue inspections, the delegation spent time discussing “India rising” – India’s economic growth driven by key factors such as the technology sector, growth of manufacturing and services, and public sector investment. All of this represents a new era for India’s exhibition industry.

UFI CEO Kai Hattendorf commented, “It is clear that India is at an exciting juncture. Its new and world-class venues will create opportunities for the industry to grow and evolve. Our visit underscored the country’s commitment to growth, innovation, and excellence in this sector. Due to time constraints, we could not extend this trip to destinations like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Jaipur, and others. Still, a clear picture has emerged: India is ready to take on an even greater leading role on the global exhibition stage and the UFI community will be there to support the Indian industry.”


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