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UFI expands education programmes globally to foster industry excellence

  • Growing UFI Exhibition Management School and Venue Management School offerings around the world
  • Two-year UFI Greater Bay Area Education Partnership signed with Macau Fair & Trade Association (MFTA)

Paris – 25 July 2024: UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, is excited to announce the expansion of its education programmes globally. This strategic initiative underscores UFI’s commitment to education as one of its core pillars, aiming to empower professionals at all stages of their careers with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the ever-evolving exhibition landscape.

Regional Successes and Upcoming Programmes

This year, UFI successfully conducted a Venue Management School (VMS) in Shenyang, hosted by Shenyang New World EXPO and held in collaboration with the Venue Management Association (VMA) of Australia. Additionally, a VMS took place in Macau with the support of the Macau Fair & Trade Association (MFTA), enhancing the expertise of local venue management professionals.

Looking ahead, UFI will also host a UFI Exhibition Management School programme in Macau with MFTA from 10-12 September, which is expected to significantly elevate the professional standards and capabilities within the exhibition industry.

UFI Greater Bay Area Education Partnership

UFI and the Macau Fair & Trade Association (MFTA) have signed the first-ever Greater Bay Area Education Partnership, which will include multiple onsite, in-person UFI education programmes in Macau. UFI’s Exhibition Management School and Venue Management School, held in English and Mandarin, will be among the programme offerings.

This exclusive, two-year agreement further underscores UFI’s role as a leading education provider for the global exhibition industry and will help establish Macau as an education hub.

Adeline Vancauwelaert, COO of UFI, comments, “In response to the growing demand for professional development opportunities, UFI is committed to expanding our educational offerings globally. Education is one of UFI’s core pillars, and we aim to ensure that industry professionals worldwide have access to the highest quality training and resources, empowering them to drive the future of the exhibition industry.”

“We are thrilled to see UFI’s educational programmes expand significantly over the past year, with continued growth on the horizon thanks to dedicated education patrons like MFTA. UFI remains committed to providing continuous learning and professional development to the entire industry, and we extend our gratitude to the lecturers, partners, and hosts who help us make this possible,” adds Anna Lawrence, UFI Education Programme Manager.

Both the UFI Exhibition Management School (EMS) and the UFI Venue Management School (VMS) are foundation programmes of the UFI Certified Professional designation.

For more information about UFI’s education programmes and how to enrol, please visit


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IMPACT Exhibition Management wins the 2024 UFI HR Management Award

Paris – 23 July 2024: UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, has named IMPACT Exhibition Management as the winner of the 2024 UFI HR Management Award.

This year’s topic was “How exhibition companies are fostering a culture of learning and innovation to drive business transformation.” A forward-looking theme that encapsulated the spirit of progress and adaptability within the exhibition industry. This year’s award sought to recognise and celebrate exhibition companies that are at the forefront of creating a dynamic, innovative, and growth-oriented company culture and work environment.

“This year’s award highlights the remarkable initiatives by exhibition companies to cultivate a culture of perpetual learning and innovation. IMPACT’s dedication through their R2i project exemplifies these values. Their success underscores the significant impact of prioritising human resources and fostering an atmosphere where creativity and innovation can flourish,” says Robert T. Heinemann, Managing Partner / CEO at HEINEMANN MANAGEMENT CONSULTING GMBH and Chair of the HR Management Working Group.

“We are honoured that our IMPACT R2i project has been selected as the winner of this prestigious award, marking the first time Thailand has won the UFI HR Award. This project stems from our belief that success in any organisation is built on the foundation of its people. With R2i, we have harnessed the potential of our team, proving that when employees are empowered to innovate and inspired to compete, extraordinary things happen,” adds Thamita Chongswatvorakul, Director of Corporate Human Resources, IMPACT Exhibition Management.

The jury also congratulates the finalists – RX Global, Informa Markets Asia and Clarion Events North America – for the quality of their entries. Both the finalist and winner entries are available to view here on the UFI website.

The UFI HR Management Award is one of UFI’s annual Award categories that recognises and rewards successful results-oriented initiatives in the exhibition industry. These awards celebrate excellence across various categories, including operations & services, industry partners, marketing, sustainability, digital innovation, and human resources. For more information, visit

The 2024 UFI Award winners will present their projects at the 91st UFI Global Congress from 20-23 November 2024 in Cologne, Germany. To learn more about the UFI Global Congress, visit


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