The 2021 UFI Marketing Award


Best Marketing Strategy in Challenging times


The jury has identified Messe Munich as winner of the 2021 UFI Marketing Award.


Dorota Wallusch, Vice-Chair of the UFI Marketing Working Group shares: “What a time we’ve lived and worked in for the past year! Despite the challenges every one of us had to face and overcome, the competition managed to collect numerous entries of venues, organizers and service providers for this years’ Marketing Award competition, sharing their experience, ideas, fears and hopes that shifted the mind-sets of the both event profs as well as the clients. The winner showed clear lessons learned through the whole process and experience of organising an event of one of the most needed of physical experiences there is – sports. Being bold, daring to ask, taking the risks, and at the same time keeping it simple – this is what made the ISPO by Messe Munich the Winner of 2021 UFI Marketing Award. Congratulations from the Jury!”

About the entry:

With over 31,000 attendees, 3,100 press clippings and well over 676,000 social media impressions, ISPO Munich Online is considered one of the most successful purely digital events of recent times. To achieve these outstanding figures, the marketing team of Messe München mainly relied on these three strategies: 1. Uncompromising focus on digital marketing – from SEA, social media, email campaigns to content marketing. The goal was to generate buzz for the 5 day event up until the last day of the show. 2. Clear, bold and smart messages across all channels ensured the target audience was curious about the new and unique format. 3. By involving exhibitors, partners and media in the marketing, people far outside the ISPO network were reached. The combination of these strategies, as well as strong teamwork, led to this extraordinary result from which the entire industry benefited.

Award Winner 

Join us at the upcoming UFI Global Congress to meet the award winner and take a deep dive into the project. Register for the Congress here.

Digital Innovation Award

To reward, the best exhibition industry initiatives connected to Digital and Innovation as they are related to the current competition theme.

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